on rose-tinted lenses & the newlywed phase

My husband and I are cheese-balls. We have inside jokes that no one will ever understand. Sometimes I suggest that we color coordinate on date nights – he never puts up a fight. People always find us holding hands or sneaking little re-assuring touches just to signal to the other person that we’re there supporting…

why “courage, dearest heart”?

Well, firstly… because “courage, dear heart” the original quote, was already taken. So I had to adjust. But the quote is from Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C.S. Lewis (click HERE to read the passage). But essentially, in the midst of a being lost at sea, Aslan whispers to Lucy in her darkest time…

Good Friday thoughts

I’ll be honest, I pretty much forgot it was Good Friday until I read this blog. And honestly I just want to cry as I sit and write this in class. A line stood out to me: Today, everything falls away and there is only Jesus for me. In His presence, my numb, angry heart…

to Calvary, once more

God, where are you? God called me to make a choice this weekend, a choice I didn’t want to make, and a choice that I knew would deeply hurt someone I loved. But after arguing with Him, and after even asking for a physical sign which He gave, I obeyed. As predicted, the consequences of…

teach me how to say goodbye

I’ve never been good with goodbyes. I think I’ve always associated them with abandonment and the stench of a failed relationship. But I’m learning that sometimes, goodbyes don’t have to do with either of those two things. Sometimes goodbyes are ways that we transition out of seasons and into new ones, and sometimes, goodbyes are…


I’m lost. If someone were to ask me to describe 2017 so far I would give them the illustration of me in a boat drifting in an ocean. There’s no wind to push my sails, there’s nothing solid I can push my oar against, I don’t really know how to navigate, and I’m running low…

Dear 2016,

You. Sucked. Like really, everything that happened this year… please, enough is enough. 2016, you handed me some of the hardest 6 months of my life, but you also brought me sweetness and joy unlike I could have ever envisioned for myself. I was the loneliest I had ever been, I was the angriest, the…

a letter to my year ago self

Dear Fall 2015 Rebecca, Oh, if you could see me now… you’d be proud. You’d be shocked too, I think. I’m in a much better place now (wow, it sounds like I’m dead). But really, my heart isn’t unbearably heavy anymore. I’m happy. I’ve grown. -I’m no longer in pre-med and the world hasn’t ended. Sounds…

fall 2016

My fall semester of my last year as an undergraduate at UCM is over. Done. Finito. The moment I turned in my last paper I felt the air rush out of my lungs as a weight lifted off my shoulders. I was done with this semester. After that I felt the exhaustion hit me and…